Do we have to book our bus tickets in advance?

We recommend that you do, since we can only guarantee a seat on the bus for those who already booked with us.
The buses tend to get full, and when they do we unfortunatelly can not provide transportation for those who haven‘t already booked.

We haven‘t booked our tickets, can we buy tickets on the bus?

We haven‘t booked our tickets, is it possible for us to buy tickets on the bus? Yes. You can just show up at one of our pickups and speak to the staff on the bus. If there are available seats you can buy your tickets on the spot. We accept cards and cash.

We need to cancel our booking, what can we do?

Please send us an email to thuletravel@thuletravel.is at least 24 hours prior to departure and we will fully refund your purchase.

We missed our bus, what can we do?

Please send us an email to thuletravel@thuletravel.is at least 24 hours prior to departure and we will fully refund your purchase.

We need to change our booking, what can we do?

We are very flexible regarding any alterations you might need us to do on your booking. Just send us an email to thuletravel@thuletravel.is at least 24 hours prior to departure and we will take care of it. Do you offer transportation of luggage to Þórsmörk / Landmannalaugar?

Ttransportation of luggage to Þórsmörk / Landmannalaugar?

Do you offer transportation of luggage to Þórsmörk / Landmannalaugar? Landmannalaugar: No. Unfortunatelly, Landmannalaugar do not offer storage. Þórsmörk: Yes. We provide transportation of luggage to Þórsmörk Básar, Langidalur and Húsadalur, this service is included in the ticket price. Otherwise we do not offer this service.

When is your first trip to Landmannalaugar?

We are scheduled to start going there on the 15th of June. In our experience usually the snow on the road has already melted by then. However, there is a small possibility that the road won‘t be open yet, in which case we would have to cancel the trip. We would of course be offering those who had already booked their tickets a couple of alternatives: – Reschedule, and take our bus to Landmannalaugar on another day instead, – Reschedule, and take our bus to Þórsmörk instead, – Get a full refund.

When is your first trip to Þórsmörk?

On the 15th of June.

When is your last trip to Landmannalaugar / Þórsmörk?

On the 15th of June.

Can we leave our car in Hella, and where?

Yes. At the bus stop, Suðurlandsvegur 1 – 850 Hella, next to the service center and Kjarval grocery store.

Can we park our car in Leirubakki, and where?

Yes. At the parking place at Leirubakki, Leirubakki – 851 Hella.

We haven‘t booked tickets, and want to board at pickup place.

We haven‘t booked our tickets, and want to board the bus in a pickup place. What can we do?
Call our staff at the office +354 519 3399 and let them know you wish to take our bus.
Pickup time is according to timetable, be ready for the bus 15 minutes before its departure.
Please go to Landmannalaugar and choose Timetable.
Pickup time is according to timetable, be ready for the bus 15 minutes before its departure
Please go to Þórsmörk and choose Timetable

What is the price for “this” transportation?

Pickups to / from Landmannalaugar:
Please go to Landmannalaugar
Pickups to / from Þórsmörk:
Please go to Þórsmörk

What is the street address for “this” pickup place?

Pickups to / from Landmannalaugar:
Please go to Landmannalaugar
Pickups to / from Þórsmörk:
Please go to Þórsmörk

When is the exact time of departure from “this” pickup place?

Pickups to / from Landmannalaugar:
Please go to Landmannalaugar
Pickups to / from Þórsmörk:
Please go to Þórsmörk